The ENHR was established in 2004 with the support from the European Council for Classical Homeopathy (ECCH). ECCH currently assists the ENHR in it secretarial work. The ENHR consists of 28 individuals from 10 differenct countries involved in or with a special interest in homeopathy research. The ENHR is open to membership for any individual involved or interested in homeopathy research.
This document contains a sample of brief summaries of homeopathy research, together with the full references. Additional information may be found in the document entitled 'Facts about homeopathy and other CAM therapies' (an ECCH document), and on the enclosed list of website addresses. Readers are recommended to read the full research articles in order to acquire a more profound knowledge base of research that has been undertaken.
Use of homeopathy and other CAM therapies
User surveys showing patient satisfaction with homeopathic treatment
Meta-analyses showing that homeopathy works
Key clinical trials in homeopathy
Diarrhoea in children
Respiratory tract complaints
Musculo-sceletal problems
Hayfever, asthma and perennial rhinitis
Female complaints8 Other noteable trials
Cost benefit
Basic research
Websites adressess
for full detailed article- see attached PDF file belo
homeopathy research and surveys